Jonah and I made it down to Memphis Friday! It is so nice to get to begin the move. It feels like it has taken a long time to get to this point. Jonah and I are hanging out with the family before we have to go out to Utah. Although Jonah made the comment that he didn't want to leave Nanny and Poppy's and was a little sad that we have to.
On our way down from Louisville we stopped off at the Casey Jones museum and home in Jackson, TN. It is a very cute place to visit. You can do a self guided tour of his home. You can also climb on a smaller replica engine that Casey Jones was driving on the fateful day. The resturant was very clean and the food was awesome. They had a soup bar that offered rolls and corn cakes.
It is worth visiting when passing through. Jonah loves trains...well, trains, planes and automobiles!
The Secret Sauce is Pondering
12 hours ago