is such a wonderful website for anyone who wants to have a healthier lifestyle. I currently have a little blog on there. I have made some goals to eat and cook healthier. I know I am a sugar and soda addict. It is part of my goal for eating healthier (despite food allergies that are real nasty) and getting more organized. I haven't written for a long time and have no excuse.
I am now a stay at home mother and had another baby about 18 months ago. Those 18 months have been a roller coaster ride but it has been fun and worth it.
Jonah is in dual immersion and learning Mandarin Chinese. He has proven that he is such an amazing child. He comes home every day singing songs in Chinese. I was even excited for him to read a book to me in Chinese. Of course I don't understand even though I took some watered down classes in Chinese. Maybe one day I will get Rosetta Stone and figure out what he is saying.
Isabel, who is the queen in the house (in her opinion) is such a little diva. Every day she demands to put on her princess crown and if she doesn't get her way she likes to come over and smack you on the leg. Yes, a habit I hope to rid her of one day.
The Secret Sauce is Pondering
12 hours ago