I am going to be a busy girl in the next couple of months. First off I am a cub scout den mother. I am so excited. Jonah will be starting in January when he turns 8. I know that every Wednesday I will be teaching the boys something fun. I am still a Primary teacher at this time also. I am not sure if they are releasing me during this time or not. I will try to post ideas I find.
Also, I have started my application to join Daughters of the American Revolution. I feel it is an awesome way to represent the bravery and selflessness that my ancestors had. On both lines we have ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War. It is such a long process with genealogy work but it will be well worth it. One of the women who is in DAR is also with Daughters of the American Colonists. She is also going to help me with that. My family lines on both sides are qualified for most of these since most of my family came over during the original colonies. We have family that was in the Confederacy and the Union and more than likely in the War of 1812. Genealogy is tedious!
I have also signed up in the PTA to help with Jonah's classroom parties. I also help check the homework on Wednesdays and make copies on Mondays. Something to keep me busy I guess!
The Secret Sauce is Pondering
12 hours ago