I just picked little man up from preschool and it is already time to start dinner. I have such a hard time getting Jonah to eat sometimes so I have to be inventive on how to get something good in him. I don't always cook....sometimes I just don't have the time. I can say that there have been days I have broke out tv dinners. Anyway, here is what I did for my sauce. I browned italian sausage with minced garlic, sea salt, pepper, and dehydrated onions (I cannot use real onions after PRK surgery...it burns). Then I cooked until onions were soft. I added green bell pepper, parsley and a mixture of shredded zucchini and yellow squash and let those soften up. Then I added the sauce (I used a spaghetti sauce that did not have veggies or meat - or you could use a mushroom only sauce). The squash and zucchini hide really well in the sauce. I usually use ground beef, but I wanted to see how much of a difference it made. The only difference is what you like better....beef or sausage. Of course the sausage has a strong flavor to it.
There are less than 70 days until Twilight the movie comes out! I will post all the recipes I am going to make that night. I included the link of Bella's Kitchen from Twilightmoms in an earlier post. I found some recipes I posted on the website specifically for Team Jacob! They are anti-vamp recipes. I am sure I will not try them all for that night, but there is always DVD release day! You can use any excuse to throw a party. I cannot wait to see Stephenie Meyer on Ellen next week.
The Secret Sauce is Pondering
20 hours ago
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