We have less than 75 days left until the movie. I am running down to Memphis (he he...I have been bit by a vampire)-okay, driving down to Memphis for my sister/neice's birthday. The movie comes out on her birthday. On Twilightmoms.com there is a message board with a forum called Bella's Kitchen. It has some pretty cool recipes listed.
It has inspired me for dinner that night. I was planning on making the Vampire Soup (funny earlier this year I posted the recipe for crockpot vampire chicken-which is awesome-and that is in this forum) and the bloody mary bread.
The bloody mary bread is for the bread machine and also has vodka in it. Seeing as I am not "lushy" I have included a link for subsituting alcohol in a recipe. Vodka is at the very bottom.
I also included a list of how much alcohol remains when you cook it. Even after cooking something for 2 1/2 hrs, there is still a little left. So when people think that it goes away and that it is okay to cook with alcohol, think again!
The Secret Sauce is Pondering
19 hours ago
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