Wow, I still have 2 1/2 weeks left until I get home to Utah. I am a little homesick right now. I get Jonah back in 10 days and I cannot wait. He is ready to start another year of dual-immersion Mandarain Chinese. He is such a smart little boy.
Isabel is almost 2 and I cannot wait to plan her a little princess party. I have already bought the cake kit for the princess castle and I will be practicing making designs with my decorating tips.
I am going to make a goal when I get home to try something from pinterest once every week or two weeks depending on the difficulty of the project. There are so many fun ideas that people have.
I probably won't be able to start this goal for a little bit when I get home since Jonah has surgery to have his adenoids removed.
I have been slowly working on family history and love doing the itty bitty amount I have done. The stories on my ancestors are amazing!!
Woohoo!! Not much longer until I get home!
The Secret Sauce is Pondering
20 hours ago
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